BitDevs Socratic Seminar 38

Event Details
- RSVP: Meetup
- Time: October 28th, 5:30pm - 7:30pm
- Location: Entrepreneurs Sandbox (643 Ilalo St) in the Purple Box room
- 5:30pm - Arrive and network
- 6:00pm - Announcements
- 6:15pm - Socratic seminar discussion of various bitcoin topics
- 7:30pm - Hang out after at Honolulu Beerworks
- Respect people’s privacy
- Chatham House rules
- Follow us on Twitter (@HonoluluBitcoin)
- Donate sats
- Join our Telegram group
- Intro to Bitcoin Q&A Session 2 on 11/7
- Sponsor shoutout
Main Topics
- Bitcoin Core v28.0 - Testnet4, Full RBF by Default & More
- Bitcoin Core Discloses Three Vulnerabilities Affecting Versions Before v25.0
- BOLT12 Offers Officially Merged into Lightning Specification
- Lightspark Announces New Bitcoin L2 and Upgraded UMA Capabilities
- Demoing the first Ark transactions on bitcoin mainnet
- Boltz BTCPay Plugin - Accept Lightning Payments Without Running a Node
- OCEAN launches DATUM - Decentralized Alternative Templates for Universal Mining
- The Distributional Consequences of Bitcoin Paper from European Central Bank Economists
Optional Topics
- Bitmain Launches the ANTMINER S21+ Series
- Hut8 & Bitmain to Launch of Next-Gen ASIC Miner U3S21EXPH
- Kingdom of Bhutan Holds 13,029 BTC from Bitcoin Mining Operations
- Norway: Bitcoin Mining Facility Shutdown Leads to 20% Higher Energy Bills for Town Residents
- Japan's Largest Electricity Provider Explores Bitcoin Mining with Surplus Renewable Energy
- Fedimint Web SDK: Building ecash Into the Web
- Nunchuk Decoy Wallets: Enhance Your Bitcoin Security with Plausible Deniability
- River: Why Business Bitcoin Adoption Grew by 30% in 1 Year
- NYDIG: Bitcoin's Protection under the First Amendment
- Ark Node (waitlist): Use Ark to seamlessly balance Lightning node liquidity
- Shielded CSV: Private and Efficient Client-Side Validation
- Bitcoin PIPEs: Covenants and ZKPs on Bitcoin Without Soft Fork
- NOIST: a non-interactive, single-round t-of-n threshold signing protocol by Burak
- SuperScalar: Laddered Timeout-Tree-Structured Decker-Wattenhofer Factories
- BitVotr: P2P computer protocol for provably honest election vote counting
- Citrea Testnet Goes Live on Bitcoin Testnet4
- Can duress wallets stop physical attacks on your bitcoin?
- Zaprite launches Point-of-Sale functionality
- BitBox02: Using payment requests to securely send bitcoin to an exchange
- Synonym launches Selfie Records: DNS TXT records for payments, identities and beyond
- Voltage: Deprecating Flow 2.0 – Paving the Way for a Superior Solution
- 10101 is shutting down
- Sparrow Release 2.0.0
- Phoenix Wallet v2.4.0 & Server v0.4.0: New Open Protocol for ACINQ LSP
- Bitcoin Core Development Funded with $8.4M in 2023
- 2140 Foundation Launched to Support Open-Source Bitcoin Development
- Diamond Hands beta releases Diamond Wallet, a self-custodial Lightning wallet which lets users earn bitcoin by viewing ads.
- Babylon: Bitcoin Staking Protocol that allows Bitcoin holders to stake and restake their BTC to secure different Proof-of-Stake based blockchains
- Secure Your Bitcoin with the People You Trust
- Italy Plans to Raise Bitcoin Capital Gains Tax from 26% to 42%
- ONOSENDAI: Cyberspace Meta-Protocol Built on Nostr
- Fountain 1.1 - Open Social Podcasting Powered by Nostr
- AlgoRelay: Nostr's First Algorithmic Relay
- Document Signing & Verification Over Nostr