BitDevs Socratic Seminar 33

Event Details
- RSVP: Meetup
- Time: April 29th, 5:30pm - 7:30pm
- Location: Entrepreneurs Sandbox (643 Ilalo St) in the Purple Box room
- 5:30pm - Arrive and network
- 5:50pm - Announcements and Clark Moody's dashboard
- 6:00pm - The Grassroot Institute and Bitcoin with Sean/Joe
- 6:30pm - Socratic seminar discussion of various bitcoin topics
- 7:30pm - Hang out after at Honolulu Beerworks
- Respect people’s privacy
- Chatham House rules
- Follow us on Twitter (@HonoluluBitcoin)
- Donate sats
- Join our Telegram group
- Bitcoin LARP
- Sponsor shoutout
- Guest Speakers: Sean Mitsui and Joe Kent from the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii
- Topic: The Grassroot Institute's bitcoin acquisition and what it could mean for growing interests in Hawaii
Main Topics
- 2024 Bitcoin Halving
- Samourai Wallet Executives Arrested And Charged With Money Laundering And Unlicensed Money Transmitting Offenses
- ACINQ launches Phoenixd and announces Phoenix Wallet withdrawal from US app stores
- Hedgehog - Protocol for Asynchronous Layer 2 Bitcoin Payments
Optional Topics
- The DOJ's opposition to Roman Storm's motions to dismiss and suppress evidence in the Tornado Cash case
- zkSNACKs Coinjoin Coordinator is Now Blocking US Residents and Citizens
- Five New Editors Added to Oversee Bitcoin Improvement Proposals
- Block lets Square merchants convert a part of their daily sales to bitcoin | TechCrunch
- Block Announces 3nm Bitcoin Mining Chip & Development of Full Bitcoin Mining System
- Blossom Drive: Store & Retrieve Data on Public Servers Using sha256 Universal ID
- Mutiny Wallet v0.6.2: Federated Lightning Addresses for Mutiny+ Users
- Satoshi 7B: Open-Source Bitcoin-Centric Large Language Model
- PayPerQ: ChatGPT4 Pay-per-Query Over Lightning Service
- SRI 1.0.0 - the most important milestone in our Stratum V2 journey
- Wizardsardine launches Safety Net recovery mechanism in Liana wallet
- Finney by Nunchuk: Bitcoin Wallet for Families
- Beignet: Instant Bitcoin Wallet Implementation for JS Devs
- Sigbash: an automated Bitcoin multisignature key agent
- Sentrum: Daemon for Monitoring Watch-only Bitcoin Wallets
- Mercury Layer's Lightning Latch swap protocol
- Payjoin-in-Potentiam: Externally fund an LSP channel open with one transaction
- BitVM 2: Permissionless Verification on Bitcoin
- Liquid Wallet Kit (LWK): Liquid Wallets Made Easy
- Decentralized Whirlpool coinjoin: Stage 1
- BullBitcoin launches Bitcoin Fee Multiple tool to help manage network fees
- Unchained iOS App Launched
- Braiins Pool Lightning Payouts Now Available to All Users
- PayPal Proposes Scheme To Selectively Mine With ESG Compliant Miners
- The Bitcoin Company launches Remittances API powering instant, cross-border payments for any app
- Proof-of-concept open source alternative to Ledger Live
- Case Study: Bitcoin as Medium of Exchange at Bitcoin Atlantis 2024
- Introduction to Runes: Fungible Tokens On Bitcoin - Voltage
- Clementine: Citrea's BitVM Based Trust-Minimized Two-Way Peg Program
- BitCan: DIY Bitcoin Seed Storage
- Argentina Creates Mandatory Registry for Bitcoin Service Providers Operating in the Country