BitDevs Socratic Seminar 29

Event Details
- RSVP: Meetup
- Time: December 18th, 5:30pm - 7:30pm
- Location: Entrepreneurs Sandbox (643 Ilalo St) in the Purple Box room
- 5:30pm - Arrive and network
- 5:50pm - Announcements and state of the network
- 6:00pm - Bitcoin Core 26 with Dave Harding
- 6:30pm - Socratic seminar discussion of various bitcoin topics
- 7:30pm - Hang out after at Honolulu Beerworks
- Respect people’s privacy
- Chatham House rules
- Follow us on Twitter (@HonoluluBitcoin)
- Donate sats
- Join our Telegram group
- Sponsor shoutout
- Speaker: Dave Harding (@hrdng)
- Co-author of the Bitcoin Optech weekly newsletter (2018-23), Mastering Bitcoin, 3E (2023), Bitcoin Computer tutorials (2015-17), and developer documentation (2014-15)
- grant committee member (2022-23) and former board member (2020-22)
- Topic: What's new in Bitcoin Core 26 and why it's important
Main Topics
- River Link: Text Bitcoin to anyone, anywhere, any wallet
- Encroaching surveillance and regulatory pressure around digital assets
- Privacy concerns from Ledger Live and security concerns from Ledger Connect Kit
- 2 New Mining Pools Launch - DEMAND & OCEAN
- Zeus v0.8.0 - Embedded LND Node, OLYMPUS, Zeus Pay & More
- Peerswaps - A Lightning channel rebalancing mechanism
Optional Topics
- How did Satoshi think of bitcoin? | Dhruv Bansal
- 83 BTC Transaction Fee Sets a New Record in Fiat Terms
- 95+ countries can now pre-order Bitkey, Block's multisig-based custody solution
- Coinkite releases BBQr (Better Bitcoin QR) spec
- OpenSats Announces Third Wave of Bitcoin Grants
- Expanding the Lightning network to serve billions – a quick win strategy
- Top Builder Hackathon Presented by PlebLab and Wolf
- Phoenix Wallet enables reserving LN liquidity for up to a year
- Stable Channels - Stable USD or leveraged BTC price exposure using Lightning
- ShockWallet and Lightning.Pub - non-custodial wallet with a nostr account system that lets you share your node via nostr relays
- 10101 public beta launch - self-custodial Bitcoin derivatives trading platform
- Critical vulnerability in LNbank plugin for BTCPay Server
- Payjoin CLI v0.0.1-alpha: A Command-line Payjoin Client for Bitcoin Core
- Cluster mempool discussion | Bitcoin Optech Newsletter 280
- TBD Unveils Tech Preview of tbDEX Open Source Liquidity Protocol
- to Ban Link Sharing and Promotion of Custodial No-KYC Mixers
- Primal Nostr Client Debuts on Mobile App Stores: iOS v1.0.4, Android Beta v0.21.4 Released