BitDevs Socratic Seminar 16

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- Self-custody workshop update
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Bitcoin KPIs
- More consequences of Biden's Executive Order 14067 (March 2022)
- E.O. 14067, AKA “Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets”, called on government agencies to produce varying forms of research regarding consumer privacy and protection, energy usage, and central bank digital currency (CBDC) benefits and risks.
- Several resulting reports were already discussed last month at Socratic 15
- New report: Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) releases report on digital asset financial stability risks and regulatory recommendations
- EU agrees on text of landmark Bitcoin/crypto bill (MiCA)
- Hodlonaut wins defamation case against Craig Wright in Norway
- Russia to allow international trade in Bitcoin/crypto for any industry
- Tornado Cash
- Celsius disclosed names and transaction history of all users during bankruptcy
- Any wallet that interacted with Celsius is now publicly linked to government ID
- Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) settles on fair-value accounting for measuring crypto assets
- Strike closes $80 million funding round
- Large Tapscript multisig transaction crashes LND nodes
- Taro launches stablecoins on Bitcoin
- River announces River Lightning Services
- ZEBEDEE launches NBD, non-profit for open source Bitcoin development
- Impervious P2P, Lightning-enabled browser launches for public use
- Erlay support signaling merged into Bitcoin Core
- Utreexo
- BitMEX renews Calvin Kim’s Bitcoin Developer Grant to work on Utreexo
- ZeroSync Utreexo implementation also in development
- "Verify Bitcoin's Chain State in an Instant"
- John Light releases report on "Validity Rollups on Bitcoin"
- Bitcoin mining software overhaul Stratum v2 promoted by Block, Braiins, and others
- Report on the spatial analysis of global Bitcoin mining
- Bitcoin Mining Council survey confirms year-on-year improvements in sustainable power mix and technological efficiency in Q3 2022
Optional Topics
- Last month's missed/skimmed topics
- Linux Foundation announces an intent to form the OpenWallet Foundation (OWF)
- NYDIG releases "Developers of Bitcoin" - paper on Bitcoin's technical development and open-source contributors over time
- Riot and Blockware release Bitcoin transaction fee research report
- "Was Satoshi a Greedy Miner?" by Jameson Lopp
- Conferences this month
- EU expands Russian sanctions to include all crypto-asset wallets, accounts, or custody services, irrespective of the amount of the wallet
- Previously under €10,000 worth was allowed
- McDonald’s and other businesses now accept Bitcoin in Lugano, Switzerland
- Swan Bitcoin acquires Specter Solutions
- Experimental BOLT12 support in LND
- Muun wallet objects to opt-in full-RBF support in the Bitcoin Core 24.0 release candidate
- Nostr integration in the Alby browser extension
- LNsploit: A LN exploit testing tool
- Lisa Neigut's Lightning-Dev mailing list post about fee ratecards
- Taproot and FROST improve Bitcoin privacy
- Indra: Lightning powered distributed virtual private network with Bitcoin and Lightning integration.
- US bill to let 401(k) plans invest in Bitcoin/crypto
- US Senator Warren leads congressional group's probe into Bitcoin mining energy use in Texas
- supertestnet's
: A lottery in bitcoin script with no escrow - "Cryptographic Oracle-Based Conditional Payments" presentation by Lloyd Fournier
- "Stop Drinking the Elite’s Kool-Aid" by Nayib Bukele
- Salvadoran Bitcoin users can now "tap to pay" with CoinCorner’s Lightning-enabled Bolt Card
- BNY Mellon offers Bitcoin custody service
- Grayscale unveils Bitcoin mining-centered investment entity